
Onixcheck - Book Trade Metadata Validation

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ONIX for Books is an international XML standard for the publishing and book trade industry.

onixcheck is a Python library and command line tool for validating ONIX metadata. It allows you to validate ONIX versions 2.1 and 3.0 against the official XML Schema.

  • Free software: BSD license


On Windows you can download the standalone binary command line tool: onixcheck-0.9.4_win.zip

If you have Python or PyPy installed on your system you can do the usual:

pip install onixcheck


Command line usage examples

Validate all .xml, .onx, .onix files in current directory:


Validate a single onix file:

onixcheck myonixfile.xml

Validate all .xml files in /onixdata and its subdirectories:

onixcheck --path /onixdata --ext xml --recursive

Show help:

onixcheck -h

Using onixcheck as a python lib

Simple usage with onixcheck.validate:

>>> import onixcheck
>>> errors = onixcheck.validate('src/onixcheck/data/invalid_onix3_ref.xml')
>>> print(errors[0].short)
ERROR - SCHEMASV - invalid_onix3_ref.xml:4:0 - Element 'SentDateTime': This element is not expected. Expected is ( Sender ).

errors is either a list of Message objects (INVALID file) or an empty list (VALID file)


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Contributions/suggestions are welcome.